Wednesday, August 15, 2007

40k Batrep: Blood Angels v.s. Word Bearers 1850 pts.

Blood Angels: Sons of Sanguinus vs. Word Bearers: Fanatics of Chaos Undivided

Turn 1: My turn, All My forces begin advancing, Minus the Annihilator, Jump Packers take up positions in Cover, I position my Tactical Squads in Between the Baal and the Destructor. Annihilator manages to kill 2 members of the frontmost CSM squad with Lascannons. Destructor is able to do about the same with Autocannon. Oppent's turn, I lose 1 Veteran Assault from Defiler fire, His forces advance, doesn't do too much firing, other than some Autocannon fire which manages to sucessfully kill a member of the Death Company. (bad luck on Feel No Pain.)

Turn 2: My Turn, Advance a little more, I let his first CSM squad really have it with the Baal's TL Assault Cannons+Heavy Bolters kill all but two members, he passes Morale, My Tactical Plasgun Combat Sqaud cleans them up, Second CSM Squad eats some Autocannon and Heavy Bolter shots from the Destructor, Annihlator Blow's the Rhino containing the Lord and his retinue. one dies from a failed save. Termies make another CSM Eat Assault Cannon this turn and they lose 3 guys. double Plasma Pistol Assault Sqaud Harasses some Raptors with said Pistols and then locks them in CC, though they survivde this turn, Death Company Does the same to the Second group of Raptors. only one six to hit, so they ended up surviving, too. Opponent's turn, Furioso catches a break and is only Stunned by Defiler shot. the Land Raider Pulls up and unloads Posesed. Oblits come in this turn and Teleport just in the right spot in some cover near the Land Raider. Land Raider Shoots and blows the Baal,
Lord piles in with his retinue and helps the Raptors kill the normal Assault Squad. other Raptors manage to kill one Death Company member before having their shit ruined.

Turn 3: Veterans move up and try to take on the Land Raider with the Melta, no dice. Annihilator does better and blows it. Destructor cleans up 2nd CSM Squad. Termies Start to make their way towards the Oblits, opening fire on the Possesed on the way, dropping them to a little more than half strength. Tactical Squads Redude the final CSM sqaud by a fair amount. Honour Guard goes help the Assault Squad against the Raptors and the Lord's Retinue, Inflicing total enough wounds to clean the raptors and reduce the retinue to 3 guys not counting the lord, Assault squad dies and Honour Guard take on heavy losses of it's own, thanks to the Exsanguinator, I was even with the Lord's retinue. Death Company ties up the Possessed, but they manage to survive the few rends I rolled. Opponent's Turn, Oblits Lascannon Wipe out the Annihilator, Defiler takes out my Destructor, Lord and Retinue come out on top and wipe out the whole Honor Guard including the Captain, All that remained however was the Lord. Possessed are wiped out, but inflicted siginifigant casualties on the Death Company (all was left was 1 and the Chaplain)

Turn 4: Not much for me to do, the Furioso finally get to shoot it's Melta at the Defiler, no good, Tac Squads shoot at Oblits, no damage, Termie shooting drop Oblits to 3, Vets fire Melta at Oblits and miss, Death Company go after the lone Lord, I deal one wound to him, Lord kills final member, all that was left is him and the Chaplain. His turn, Defiler finishes off the Furioso, Oblits punch a hole and kills 3 Termies. Last CSM squad gun down the Tac Sqaud witht he Heavy Bolter. Lord kills the Chaplain, and the game just sorf of wrapped up from there.


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